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2 021
Num. 2
Summary - In recent years, there has been a continuous and rapid increase in the number of urban mass railway transportation systems put in revenue service worldwide.As new metro, tramway, and... leggi tutto
2 021
Num. 1
Summary - Predictive diagnosis of wheel wear plays a fundamental role in maintenance of railway vehicles. While on-board installation of wear sensors is affordable only for modern high-performance... leggi tutto
2 021
Num. 1
Summary - The document provides an account of the project of the Bribano-Agordo railway line from the earlystages of the concept design until the opening to commercial traffic and subsequent closure... leggi tutto
2 020
Num. 12
Summary - The paper proposes a method for identifying the elastic characteristics of the track in order to mitigate the actions produced by the transit of vehicles. The study is based on the use of... leggi tutto
2 020
Num. 12
Summary - During a presentation of the FAI autumn days, the President of the foundation, Prof. Andrea CARANDINI, started works with a particularly original introduction to the topic of the... leggi tutto
2 020
Num. 11
Summary - The work proposes a quantitative model for the analysis of the resilience of railway lines with particular reference to the recovery activity through the setting up of a bus service. For... leggi tutto
2 020
Num. 11
Summary - The paper shows some initial results of Assets4Rail, an EU founded project that aims to contribute to the modal shift towards rail by exploring, adapting andtesting the most advanced... leggi tutto
2 020
Num. 10
Summary - The European rail sector has a strong interest in innovations for monitoring the operational condition of a running vehicle. Many high technology systems can lead up to future rail systems... leggi tutto
2 020
Num. 10
Summary - The Road Regulation regulates the characteristics, uses and management of the several road elements for all the allowed traffic components. The collective transport is one of the priority... leggi tutto
2 020
Num. 9
Summary - What are the data collected by the National Observatory on Local Public Transport Policies for? To answer this question, some interesting elaborationsof these data are proposed below.... leggi tutto


ELETTROTRENI SUBURBANI E METRO: Un treno modulare per le esigenze dei passeggeri di domani: la nascita del progetto alfa - L’ammodernamento delle unità multiple reversibili del servizio regionale (La modernisation des rames reversibles regionale) - La costruzione leggera del materiale per il trasporto regionale veloce dal punto di vista metodologico progettuale (Leichtbau in SPNV aus der Sicht... leggi tutto
IMPIANTI DI TRAZIONE ELETTRICA: Neue deutsche Blitzschutz-Normung - Valutazione del filo di contatto in base alla spinta esercitata dal pantografo (Estimation of wear and strain of contact wire using contact force of pantograph) - Verifica dei blocchi di fondazione per pali TE serie PH - Influenza capacitiva su parti elettricamente conduttrici, non collegate a terra, in prossimità di ferrovie... leggi tutto
