Summary - The paper shows some initial results of Assets4Rail, an EU founded project that aims to contribute to the modal shift towards rail by exploring, adapting and
testing the most advanced technologies for railway asset monitoring and maintenance, in order to ensure a proactive and cost-effective maintenance and intervention systems on the assets (both rail infrastructure and rolling stock with regard to defects affecting the track). The core of the project is to develop an integrated system to gather and analyse information, collected by specific on-site sensors, as well as train mounted automated monitoring systems, for detecting defects that have non-negligible impacts on infrastructure. The first step of the project, as described in the present paper, is the state-of-the-art review of previous EU/national funded projects, industry solutions and research papers, to identify drivers, benchmarks and emerging solutions and assess potentially applicable technologies and solutions in the fields of sensor system for track geometry monitoring. In this context, the paper defines the requirements, classified into functional, operational, performances and safety for further developments and testing of an on-board sensor system able to measure the transversal position of the wheel in relation to the rail in order to support track geometry measurements.
- Novembre