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2 018
Num. 12
  Summary – The public mobility planning strategy initiated in recent years in Italy is based on two fundamental cornerstones: the reorganisation of the rules (revision of the legislation and... leggi tutto
2 018
Num. 12
Summary - Providing users of the public transport with a satisfactory service is necessary to discourage the use of private transport modes. In addition to ensuring high performance in terms of... leggi tutto
2 018
Num. 11
Summary - Building Information Modelling is now rec- ognized the suitable methodology to undertake building and infrastructure projects. Far more developed for “traditional” construction, BIM is... leggi tutto
2 018
Num. 11
Summary - The issue of standard costs and the relat- ed considerations about the optimal sizes of Local Public Transport (LPT) networks and operators have been the subject of a number of legislative... leggi tutto
2 018
Num. 10
Abstract - Collective transport transit user judge and perceive the quality of the service using few parameters. First, “frequency”, on which depends waiting time and consequently time for transport... leggi tutto
2 018
Num. 10
Summary - This article describes some analyses for the estimation of time evolution of freight traffic demand at the Brenner Pass. These analyses are conducted using logistic curves calibrated and... leggi tutto
2 018
Num. 9
Summary - This paper aims about the historical and technical evolution of scientific thought in railway vehicle behaviour, while running on straight track and cornering. The point of view of many... leggi tutto
2 018
Num. 9
Summary - The report describes the properties of a new steel grade family for forged-rolled solid wheels alternative to AAR Class B/C/D steel grades, designed to increase the re- sistance to wear and... leggi tutto
2 018
Num. 8
Summary - In this paper, different analytical methods for the determination of the hourly practical capacity of a high speed railway line are addressed and compared. Furthermore, for the assessment... leggi tutto
2 018
Num. 6
Summary - The paper shows the development of a method to quantify the workload of Control Room Train Dispatchers (DCO), in order to ensure fair allocation of activities based on homogeneous... leggi tutto



IN THE NEWS: AnsaldoBreda: start for the connections between the Netherlands and Belgium with the high-speed train V250 - Williams Hybrid Power and Alstom cooperate to develop flywheel energy storage technology for Citadis - Bombardier Partner CSR Puzhen Wins Order for Low-Floor Trams in China - In 2012, Hupac transported approximately 646,000 road shipments by rail. Quick response to unpredictable demand - Siemens receives orders for static frequency converters from Sweden and Switzerland - SBB Cargo hires mainline locomotives to the company TX Logistik


IN THE NEWS: Alstom delivers ahead of time the last Pendolino coaches for the West Coast Main Line (UK) - Innotrans: Tata Steel officially launches high performance grooved rail - The first series-produced, fully electric bus is now in service in Vienna - Bombardier Launches Construction of its New Bogie Technical Centre 



 IN THE NEWS: Moscow - Berlin - Paris train carries over 35,000 passengers in first year - Finmeccanica: AnsaldoBreda wins the USD 300 million tender for the Miami Metro - DB Schenker orders 23 locomotives from Siemens - Bombardier Wins Fleet Maintenance Contract with Virgin Trains - Vossloh: contract in Brazil - Inauguration of Casablanca’s first tram line in Morocco - M. MORETTI re-elected vice-chairman of UIC
