Although the processes taking place in
the ground around a tunnel in squeezing and in swelling
rock differ from each other fundamentally, there is one
common feature in both cases: with increasing rock deformation
the rock pressure decreases. This fact is
proved both by experience and theoretical investigations
and was clearly recognized as early as at the beginning of
the last century. “With each fraction of a millimetre with
which the rock mass moves, the amount of pressure acting
on the lining decreases” [1]. Based on this recognition
a number of design methods are nowadays at the disposal
of the engineer to control rock pressure even in heavily
squeezing and heavily swelling rock. Both the temporary
and the final lining can be constructed in such a way as
to exert stabilizing pressure on the rock and at the same
time allow the rock mass to deform. In many cases this
combined action, i.e. rock support and letting the rock
deform, not only presents the most economical solution,
in some cases it is the only one that makes tunnel construction
- Dicembre