Summary - In proposing an overview of the governance and strategic, transport, financial technical and socio-economic aspects of the European railway project related to the Brenner cross-border Axis, in the wider context of the Scandinavian-Mediterranean Core Corridor no. 5 of the TEN-T Network (Trans European Network-Transport), the article reports the synthesis of the Open Lecture held in Milan by the Special Government Commissioner Ezio Facchin on 2st February 2017 at the “Luigi Bocconi” Commercial University, on the occasion of the “Bocconi for Government Week 2017” annual event. Prof. Oliviero Bac- celli, Director of CERTeT (Centre of Regional Economics of Transport and Tourism) and Coordinator of MEMIT (Master in Economics and Management of Transport, Logistics and Infrastructures) introduced the lecture.
- Aprile