The increase of the speed and of the capacity
in the railway operation requires an increase of the performances
of both rolling stock and infrastructure. This paper
is focused on the needed characteristics of a 3 kV d.c.
catenary to assure a good quality of current collection, even
in the condition where two pantographs are in contact, for
speed greater than 200 km/h. The wear behaviour of both
contact wire and contact strip is taken into account for the
analysis of catenary performances. In particular, in this
work, an experimental study in laboratory of the creep and
wear behaviour for two different materials of contact wire
(electrolytic copper Cu-ETP and copper-silver alloy
CuAg0,1) is presented. The laboratory analyses have been
used to obtain an heuristic model for the wear of contact
wire that allows, in combination with a software for the
study of the dynamical interaction between pantograph and
catenary, to evaluate the wear for the two considered catenaries,
providing a comparative evaluation of their performances
- Ottobre