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2 021
Num. 4
Summary - Since 1913 a railway track runs from Rome to Viterbo, through Civita Castellana; this railway – commonly called «Roma Nord» – born as a narrow-gauge tramway and then transformed into a... leggi tutto
2 021
Num. 3
Summary - In railway operations, data provided by wayside measuring systems could be useful for many reasons as ensuring safety and facilitating maintenance of the tracks. For example, measuring... leggi tutto
2 021
Num. 3
Summary - The standard telecommunication system for the railways is GSM-R (The Global System for Mobile Communications Railways). Since 2004 the GSM-R has been the international mobile standard for... leggi tutto
2 021
Num. 2
Summary - In recent years, there has been a continuous and rapid increase in the number of urban mass railway transportation systems put in revenue service worldwide.As new metro, tramway, and... leggi tutto
2 021
Num. 2
Summary - The acquisition of the main Greek railway undertaking by the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane (FSI Group) opened a set of development perspectives for Greek railway transport of passengers and... leggi tutto
2 021
Num. 1
Summary - The document provides an account of the project of the Bribano-Agordo railway line from the earlystages of the concept design until the opening to commercial traffic and subsequent closure... leggi tutto
2 021
Num. 1
Summary - Predictive diagnosis of wheel wear plays a fundamental role in maintenance of railway vehicles. While on-board installation of wear sensors is affordable only for modern high-performance... leggi tutto
2 020
Num. 12
Summary - The paper proposes a method for identifying the elastic characteristics of the track in order to mitigate the actions produced by the transit of vehicles. The study is based on the use of... leggi tutto
2 020
Num. 12
Summary - During a presentation of the FAI autumn days, the President of the foundation, Prof. Andrea CARANDINI, started works with a particularly original introduction to the topic of the... leggi tutto
2 020
Num. 11
Summary - The paper shows some initial results of Assets4Rail, an EU founded project that aims to contribute to the modal shift towards rail by exploring, adapting andtesting the most advanced... leggi tutto



IN THE NEWS: Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and Argentine Railways sign a collaboration agreement - Ansaldo STS: modernisation of the Glasgow Subway - Forum logistics: in the future of road Freight transport sustainability and intermodality - Italcertifer: MoU with Australasian Centre For Rail Innovation - Emirates offers the first service with the A380 to Christchurch


NN THE NEWS: Iran: Iranian engineers at Italferr to study high-speed rail - UK: Trenitalia confirms withdrawal from South Eastern Franchise competition - Switzerland: Hupac and the traffic development in first semester 2017 - USA: Metropolitan Hitachi Ansaldo with Baltimore Rail Partners, LLC - In the library: “Sustainable Rail Transport” - Internazionale: Conference on Reliability, Safety and Security of Railway Systems-Modelling, Analysis, Verification and Certification (RSSR2017) - International: XIII Edition of Formula Sae Italy & Formula Electric Italy


IN THE NEWS: France: 83 Additional Regio 2N Double-Deck Trains to Île-de-France - Iran: railway system development, another stage in the international expansion of Italian FS - France: the second stage of the TELT roadshow on Turin-Lyon - India: in operation the Green Line of Metro in Bangalore -Switzerland: Hupac celebrates 50 years and launches in the digital future - Denmark: Ansaldo STS signs MoU with Metroselskabet - USA: Ansys and Krono-Safe, a solution for critical aerospace applications  


IN THE NEWS: Israel: 33 Additional TWINDEXX Vario Double-Deck Coaches - Romania: Italian railway constructions - Bulgaria: RFI welcomes a BDZ delegation - USA: First HRI train to Miami Dade County - France: smart innovations, smarter mobility - Germany: Polo Mercitalia, from Italy to North Europe, logistics and freight to customer service - Switzerland: the first freight wagons in the future - Argentina: FS, cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Transport - International: multi-physics simulation for engine design


IN THE NEWS: Russia: Allegro’s passengers increase by 30% in IQ 2017 - Germany: 21 TALENT 3 for operation in Saarland - Switzerland: local public traffic on the Sempione railway line - Turkey: technology and new italian infrastructures - Denmark: state visit of the king of Belgium - France: 10th SIFER exhibition affords a glimpse into rail industry of the future - India: new metro system in Nagpur


IN THE NEWS: Great Britain: Trenitalia completes the acquisition of c2c - France: Lyon-Turin, completed the process of parliamentary ratification in both countries - England: New Hitachi trains a step closer to entering into service - Switzerland: two-digit growth rate in transportation: starting the anniversary year with a record volume - Australia: signalling and communications contract for Ansaldo STS - USA: ANSYS, supercomputing, benefits everyone - Switzerland: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform to modernize IT FSS


IN THE NEWS:Greece: FS Italiane acquires Trainose - Taiwan: the first driverless metro train for Taipei - Vietnam: Wegh Group’s level crossing machines for PL - International Market: new technologies for railway - Switzerland: new “Hydrogen Council” in Davos - Turkey: “Eurasia Tunnel” opens eigth month before


IN THE NEWS: Thailand: to “Smartrail Asia”, the new system for the management of the level crossings of Wegh Group - FSI: three commercial agreements with Congo Republic - China: new traction systems, monitoring and control for the Shanghai metro - Spain: 1,000 transport professionals to WConnecta - Philippines: Italferr-Ama Group Corp. agreement - Ansys, HLRS and Cray supercomputing set a new record - United Arab Emirates: Emirates SkyCargo launches Skywheels - Russia: MAZZONCINI new UIC Chairman


IN THE NEWS:FSI: ok to the proposal "pass interrail" free for teens - SBB: localization of freight wagons on the railway net - Italian economic and technical commitment for the “core corridors” European - The first driverless train for new Lima (Perù) metro - More logistics infrastructure for future increase freight traffic through Gottardo - British Steel: a new revolutionary product for railway lines - Astaldi: the third bridge over the Bosphorus - Emirates announces the shortest flight in the world with the A380


N THE NEWS: FS Italian: strong economic and technical commitment to developing “core-European corridors” national network - Liberty Avelia the new train for the Northeast Corridor (NEC) Amtrak - SBB points to the most advanced electronics on board of their trains. - Brussels metro lines 1 and 5 signalling system renewal - The first train for Miami Metro unveiled in Florida - SKF solutions and services for the rail industry international - “Fostering strategic cooperation between Africa and Europe on road safety” 

