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Ricerca nelle sezioni IF

2 020
Num. 5
Summary - The Central Veneto Metropolitan Area is understood as the area comprising the three provinces of Venice, Padua and Treviso. Compared to other metropolitan areas characterised by a... leggi tutto
2 020
Num. 4
Abstract - In this paper we present a simplified analytical method for the evaluation of the rails conductance to earth; the proposed method takes into account of the presence of sleepers and ballast... leggi tutto
2 020
Num. 4
Summary - The publication of Directive 2008/110/EC [1] has introduced the figure of the Entity in Charge of Maintenance (ECM) for the first time, within the railway system. The ECM must, in... leggi tutto
2 020
Num. 3
Summary - This paper examines the practical usability of Input/Output models for analysis and forecast assessments of the freight traffic demand aimed at transport planning in a regional/... leggi tutto
2 020
Num. 3
Summary - The aim of this paper is to clarify the effects of bainitic spots in the homogeneous lamellar pearlite structure of wheels located near the tread. Bainite is an intermediate structure,... leggi tutto
2 020
Num. 2
With increasing concern over global warming and climate change, this paper aims to investigate five rail passenger systems in Europe with respect to their greenhousegas emissions. The countries are... leggi tutto
2 020
Num. 2
The aim of the paper is to assess the actual capacity of the corridor lines in Slovakia in terms of the freight transport needs and EU transport policy objectives, based on the analysis of track... leggi tutto
2 020
Num. 1
This article analyzes the historical and technical evolution of the scientific thought on railway traffic at stations and on lines, emphasizing the role of authors whosecontribution is central to the... leggi tutto
2 020
Num. 1
The development of advanced design tools and the increasing performance of the materials allow realising increasingly complex infrastructures that, as such, make the possible presence of errors made... leggi tutto
2 019
Num. 12
Summary - Bearing in mind that the advantages of cable-driven transport are basically due to its specific lower energy  than those of vehicles with traction aboard, to its capacity to overcome... leggi tutto

