Summary - The paper moves from the scientific literature on Road Ecology and Railway Ecology to merge related concepts and criteria under a single definition: Ecology of Transportation Infrastructure (ETI). Common traits are the negative impacts generated by road and rail infrastructure on natural ecosystems, resulting in habitat loss or fragmentation for flora and fauna. Although not much addressed within transportation studies, the ETI contribution is crucial when addressing the enforcement of regulations in the fields of strategic environmental evaluation for transportation projects and planning, with a focus on landscaping issues. To this end, evaluation criteria are proposed to meet the regulations requirements, along with the main measures to implement. The goal is to increase awareness among transportation researchers and operators of the need to introduce ETI in studies and practice on construction, maintenance and evaluation of railway infrastructures, as a criterion to meet the environmental requirements. Thus, the paper is structured as follows: the development of the fundamental concepts and the related literature review is reported (Section 1) and the relevance within the regulatory tools on environmental assessments at landscape scale is stressed along with some factors of complexity affecting the process (Section 2); eventually, ETI criteria and measures to implement ETI with a focus on railways lines and artifacts
are described (Section 3), and guidelines to assess their effectiveness within planning decision-making processes are proposed (Section 4).
- Ottobre