Summary - This article describes the adaptation pro- ject to the latest ANSF guidelines for the use and maintenance manuals of the Alstom Coradia ELT 200 fleet in operation on the Bari-Barletta route managed by Ferro- tramviaria Spa. In particular, focus was on the procedures for drawing up the Maintenance Dossier, starting from the documentation issued by the manufacturer Alstom when the vehicle was commissioned. Since June 2015, ANSF has in fact issued a Guideline [1] to put the industry in or- der and, with reference to safety, it has placed the responsibility of creating the initial documentation relating to maintenance on the Manufacturer - the so-called Techni- cal File - and the drafting of the Maintenance File (MF) on the Maintenance Manager (MM). ANSF has established the contents and the structure of the documents, which must be organised in volumes and sub-volumes that include each train sub-system/equipment (Table 2) classified by progressive number and letter in accordance with UNI EN 15380 standard [2] (see the chapter on maintenance manuals for details).
- Marzo