Politics and Economics

Ricerca nelle sezioni IF

Num. 12
  Summary – The public mobility planning strategy initiated in recent years in Italy is based on two fundamental cornerstones: the reorganisation of the rules (revision of the legislation and... read all
Num. 11
Summary - The issue of standard costs and the relat- ed considerations about the optimal sizes of Local Public Transport (LPT) networks and operators have been the subject of a number of legislative... read all
Num. 6
Summary - The Italian rail network, for the majority State-owned (16751 km), but with significant links (3000 km) of local government properties (Regions and the Au- tonomous Province of Bolzano) has... read all
Num. 6
Abstract - Freight exchange between the territory south of the Eastern Alps and the Central-Northern Europe uses primarily two transport systems: the Brenner system and the Tauern system. The first... read all
Num. 4
Abstract - The cause-effect relationship between certain characteristics of urban settlement areas and the types of mobility that follow is intuitive. Scientific research has of- ten found... read all
