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Num. 10
Summary - Undergrounds and urban railways have become significant places from a cultural point of view, real distinctive signs of cities and their development. In this context, the Neapolitan capital... read all
Num. 9
Summary - The COVID-19 containment measures are parts of the key strategies is to reduce human mobility to slow down the spread, thus at a crossroad with transport policy and affecting travel... read all
Num. 8
Summary - This article reviews and summarizes the technological characteristics of magnetic levitation (Maglev) transport systems from a transport engineering point of view, providing a summary of... read all
Num. 8
Summary - The article aims to expand the research already carried out for the twenty-year period from 1905 to 2005 - published in the past in Ingegneria Ferroviaria -concerning the study of the... read all
Num. 4
Summary - Since 1913 a railway track runs from Rome to Viterbo, through Civita Castellana; this railway – commonly called «Roma Nord» – born as a narrow-gauge tramway and then transformed into a... read all
Num. 3
Summary - The standard telecommunication system for the railways is GSM-R (The Global System for Mobile Communications Railways). Since 2004 the GSM-R has been the international mobile standard for... read all
Num. 2
Summary - In recent years, there has been a continuous and rapid increase in the number of urban mass railway transportation systems put in revenue service worldwide.As new metro, tramway, and... read all
Num. 2
Summary - The acquisition of the main Greek railway undertaking by the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane (FSI Group) opened a set of development perspectives for Greek railway transport of passengers and... read all
Num. 1
Summary - Predictive diagnosis of wheel wear plays a fundamental role in maintenance of railway vehicles. While on-board installation of wear sensors is affordable only for modern high-performance... read all
Num. 1
Summary - The document provides an account of the project of the Bribano-Agordo railway line from the earlystages of the concept design until the opening to commercial traffic and subsequent closure... read all
