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2 017
Num. 8
Summary - In the last years, two new tramlines have been designed in the network of mass transit system in Florence. The planned lines will be in service in 2018 and they will serve the Northern part... leggi tutto
2 017
Num. 6
Summary - The Italian rail network, for the majority State-owned (16751 km), but with significant links (3000 km) of local government properties (Regions and the Au- tonomous Province of Bolzano) has... leggi tutto
2 017
Num. 6
Abstract - Freight exchange between the territory south of the Eastern Alps and the Central-Northern Europe uses primarily two transport systems: the Brenner system and the Tauern system. The first... leggi tutto
2 017
Num. 5
Summary - A proposal is done to rationalize the parame- ters defìning Rapid Transit Systems’ general performances. This is achieved by converting Mechanical motion mea- sures into corresponding... leggi tutto
2 017
Num. 5
Summary – The document provides an account of the pro- ject of the Gotthard base tunnel from the initial stages until the opening to commercial traffic. It analyzed aspects relat- ing to investment... leggi tutto
2 017
Num. 4
Abstract - The cause-effect relationship between certain characteristics of urban settlement areas and the types of mobility that follow is intuitive. Scientific research has of- ten found... leggi tutto
2 017
Num. 4
Summary - In the last years, a stadium for the soccer team A.S. Roma has been designed in the Tor di Valle neighbourhood, located in the South-Western area of Rome. The planned location is along the... leggi tutto
2 017
Num. 2
Summary - While travelling at-grade in an urban environ- ment, a Light Rail Transit (LRT) system needs to traverse road intersections of various complexities. These intersec- tions, including... leggi tutto

