Regarding studies about transport and
land-use interactions, there is a great amount of literature
which proposes several models aimed at investigating the
relations between mobility system and land demand and
supply. Within such analyses and related applications,
however, only sporadically the concept of accessibility has
been associated to interventions in the realizations and/or
maintenance of road networks. Some recent studies modelling
this phenomenon have analyzed the evolution in the
use of road infrastructures according to the distribution of
investments on their links, considering also some territorial
dynamics. The present study, stemmed from these researches,
uses their methodological approach - appropriately
reviewed and calibrated on a provincial study area -
and proposes a technique of implementation aimed at integrating
the sub-models which compose the logical architecture,
in order to identify possible relations between the
territorial distribution of different activities and the related
dynamics in the use of road network. At the end, some
considerations about further application of the model to a
multimodal public transport network are proposed.
- Luglio