The adoption in 2008 of Ministerial Decree
of the Minister of Infrastructure dated 14.1.2008
“Approval of new technical standards for constructions”
and of the Circular Letter of 02.02.2009 N. 617: Instructions
for the application of New technical standards for
constructions” has constituted a decisive step, in our
country, for the alignment of national technical rules to
the Eurocodes. The design of infrastructures, particularly
the railway ones, suffered considerably from the new regulatory
framework and demanded a substantial upgrading
of railway Instructions.
The revision of the 44F instruction relating to fatigue
of railway bridges is introduced in this context.
In this article, that aims at introducing the reading of
the complete version of the text of the “Specification for fatigue
testing of railway bridges”, the main innovations introduced
in the field of fatigue assessment will be illustrated.
- Dicembre