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High Speed Train Vibrations along the Turin-Milan Railway and mitigation systems


The recent development of the high

speed railways in several countries, especially in Europe,

has given a more significant evidence of the disturb and

the environmental damages caused by train vibrations. Vibrations

produced by trains are the result of the dynamic

interaction SSI (Soil Structure Interaction) among the

train, the railway embankment and the soil. In this article

the experience gained in the design of the high speed railway

between Turin and Milan is presented. The comparison

is reported between the vibration levels determined by

means of a mathematical model during the design phase

and the vibration levels measured after completion of the

first lot between Turin and Novara. Also a new anti-vibration

system is presented, that has been proposed along the

high speed railway Novara-Milano to mitigate the environmental

impact potentially caused by the train vibrations.

The considerations exposed in this article may constitute

a pragmatic guideline to predict and mitigate the

environmental impact caused by train vibrations.

  • Maggio
Num. 5
Pag. 427