The start of the operation on the new
railway bridge of Ostiglia (MN) crossing the river Po along
the railway line Bologna-Verona, allowed Italferr, the engineering
company of Ferrovie dello Stato, to carry out
some experimental tests aiming to verify the advantages
of the new construction typology in the field of the sound
emissions generated by the passage of the trains.
This bridge is composed of simply supported single
track metallic lattice girders (through arch upper-closure
girders), with theoretical spacing between supports of 64.4
m and 73.6 m. It is a ballasted-permanent way bridge and
its deck is composed of a reinforced mix continuous slab.
The monitored structural solution shows different innovative
characteristics if compared with the traditional
metallic lattice girders with non ballasted-permanent way;
one of these characteristics is a significant noise reduction.
This paper summarizes the most important aspects of
the considered test campaign with a particular attention
to comparisons between the sound emissions of the new
bridge crossing the river Po along the line BO-VR and the
corresponding emissions relevant to other non ballastedpermanent
way bridges. Further comparisons with other
structure typologies along the same line, such as embankments
and pre-compressed reinforced concrete decks,
were carried out too.
- Gennaio