The Trans-Mongolian railway represents
an interesting study case within the Trans-Asian connections,
since - in these years - they have been subject
to radical upgrading intended to increase its carrying
capacity. This article presents a study aimed at quantifying
the potential benefits that may be expected from
the introduction of signalling systems based on radio
block, (radio cab signalling), as the level 2 and level 3
ERTMS/ETCS; the study will resort to a dedicated
analysis methodology which takes into explicit consideration
the particularities of the single-track railway
service and the need to set up the appropriate timetables
in order to exploit at its best the potential of a more effective
signalling system. To this purpose, beside the
technical parameters, two operational ones are introduced,
in the intent of modelling the train fleeting or
platooning effects. Once the appropriate analysis formula
was defined, it has been applied to the Mongolian
line, thus obtaining results in the form of daily capacity
maps, which are presented and discussed.
- Luglio