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2 016
Num. 1
  Summary - This paper [1] examines the vulnerability and accessibility of railway networks in emergency condi- tions using the road system with particular reference to open air routes.The goal... leggi tutto
2 016
Num. 1
Summary - In the present paper, the advantages of the use of optical sensors, and in particular sensors based on FBG (Fibre Bragg Grating), for the analysis of dynamical interaction between... leggi tutto
2 015
Num. 12
Summary - The article provides a review and a practi- cal comparison of capacity and punctuality assessment methodologies; it also identifies and evaluates a manage- able and streamlined approach to... leggi tutto
2 015
Num. 11
Summary - At the beginning of the 21st century, several scientific studies drew attention to the unsustainability of the massive use of fossil fuels as the main global source of energy and this led... leggi tutto
2 015
Num. 10
Summary - The paper presents a tool for the assessment of the capacity of railway networks. This tool includes a first definition level that can be considered as microscopic, which permits train-runs... leggi tutto
2 015
Num. 9
Summary - In case of an earthquake, bridges are considered the most vulnerable elements of a railway network, taking account of the fact that most of them have been designed when specific earthquake-... leggi tutto

